N°8 The Verzolet valley

This short and technical route offers to experienced mountain-bikers a beautiful ride and provides a great variety of terrain on both sides of the Versolet valley.

Reception in 1 language(s)

  • Francais

A wide trail to cycle up along the Verzolet stream allows a gentle warm up. On the way back, everyone has his own method to ford the stream, either one stays on the bike and runs the risk of getting his feet wet, especially in case of a high water level, or one performs a careful balancing act, walking from stone to stone. You'll be cycling your way back mostly on singletrack paths with three ascending parts, some nice downhills and beautiful scenic viewpoints.

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GPS coordinates

Latitude 43.8939 - Longitude 2.945629167

Contact us

N°8 VTT - Vallée du Verzolet

Départ de Versols
12400 Versols-et-Lapeyre